Friday, March 30, 2012


Today, what a lazy day.

I am now officially a brunette out of a box that I don’t like so much, but I will work with it. Hair - still short and longish in it’s shortness, please humor my senselessness or nonsense? You choose.

I am 26 for the last day in my life. Any last words to my 27 year old self, any words of wisdom to give her?

Dear 27 year old Jenn,

Peanut Butter is not considered a meal on it’s own. Sorry honey, you are not convincing anyone reading off the caloric intake, you know I’m right. Do what you want - no one is really watching, you just think they are. Although that one guy on the subway did see that piece of gum fall out of your mouth, when you were talking on the phone, but, hey, it happens. Learn how to take a compliment, woman! Oh and by the way, strange looks good on you – wear that out in public, life is way too short to be hiding that couture in the closet. Is that a smile I see? Also, we all know that you have this one down -‘be bold’ - oh but we know you have this one down too– ‘reckless’ – they’re not the same thing. Stay out of your head , you’re more fun when you play outside with others – just sayin’. On those “downer days” remember that it won’t last and a smile, just like the sun, is waiting behind those clouds. And Jenn, you are a good teacher and you work hard… be easy on yourself, tiger. You can do this. On another note, mountains don’t climb themselves, but neither do words write – work on your book, slacker! I have been meaning to talk to you about your future, but it can wait. Let’s take life in moments, teaspoons, savory bites of time and memory, dreams of ripened fruit that can only be enjoyed in this instance, this – present. We will talk about your future, when you get there.

Take care of yourself.

Jenn, 26